Lead Based Paint and Your Home

Lead is a potent neurotoxin. In 1978 lead based paint was banned for use as an architectural coating on homes in the United States. Homes built before 1978 however may still have one or more layers of lead based paint on them. It can be found on both interior and exterior painted surfaces. Since the ban, new laws have gone into effect regarding the handling of lead paint in older homes that affects all aspect of older home painting and renovation. Federal law requires that all construction contractors regardless of trade or craft must have a lead based paint (RRP) certification from the EPA in order to work on or bid work on pre-1978 homes. The purpose of the law is to keep homeowners, their families, and the public safe from the potentially harmful, irreversible, and potentially deadly effects of lead based paint. The law primarily describes a set of rules and protocols for protecting a worksite and surrounding surfaces and air from lead contamination. WARNING TO HOMEOWNERS: PAINTING A HOUSE WHICH HAS COMPROMISED LAYERS OF LEAD BASED PAINT CAN BE EXPENSIVE WHEN THE LEAD PAINT LAW IS PROPERLY IMPLIMENTED! This is especially true of your house has lots of peeling paint. Please visit the links below for a more detailed examination of lead based paint in American homes and the rules in place to safeguard public heath from its effects during painting and renovation. 3 Pillars Painting is an experienced certified lead based paint renovator (just ask to see our EPA certification!) and has prepped and painted numerous homes in the Eugene and Springfield area containing lead based paint following the rules and regulations articulated by the RRP law. Questions about lead based paint and how it will affect the cost of your house painting project? Just call us and ask!


(541) 600-0176

A licensed and EPA/RRP certified Oregon painting contractor.

Lead Based Paint resources and information

State of Oregon on the Federal RRP (renovation, repair, and painting) Law:


EPA Renovates Right Pamphlet:


EPA Protect Your Family From Lead in the Home Pamphlet: https://www.epa.gov/sites/production/files/2014-02/documents/lead_in_your_home_brochure_land_b_w_508_easy_print_0.pdf

To test for lead in your paint, search for lead based paint risk assessment firms and/or lead based paint testing firms in Eugene, Oregon or in Lane county, Springfield, the Willamette Valley, Albany, Salem, or Corvallis, Oregon. Please contact 3 Pillars Painting by phone or email for a list of local firms that test for lead based paint and asbestos. We would be happy to refer you to a qualified testing firm! 3pillarspainting@gmail.com (541) 600-0176

james busby